Access Keys:

Armoy Primary School, Armoy, Ballymoney, Co. Antrim





School opens at 7.45am for our Breakfast Club. We offer a range of sports, crafts and games to children from P1 to P7. Laughter can be heard echoing through the corridors early in the morning as pupils and staff get ready to start the day.

We also offer after-school provision each day. For KS1 we have Ten2 club which runs from 1.50 - 2.50 pm Monday to Friday. For our KS2 pupils we provide a wide range of clubs each term including American Football with the Causeway Giants, Make and Bake, Yoga, science and many, many more. We also offer multiple instrument tuition and residential stays among many other things. We listen to our pupils and meet their needs and interests.

Term 3 April-May clubs are:

Mondays - Transfer Club

Tuesdays - Golf Club

Wednesdays - Football 

Thursdays - Science Club



7th Jun 2024
Thanks to coach Brian from Dalriada for teaching our pupils lots of tag rugby skills....
7th Jun 2024
Primary 1/2 enjoyed eating the strawberries that we harvested today for our snack-don't...
7th Jun 2024